Charitable Giving | McMinnville Oregon
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Please let us know if you would like to donate to one of these wonderful organizations. Every little bit helps.
10% of each of our pen sales goes to help children in need.
Trumpets of Christ International
Faith Village Children’s Home is a safe haven for children who are orphaned, abused, in danger or have been trafficked for child prostitution or slave labor, and forced into rebel armies. Faith Village property is located on TCI Campus, and has several buildings, including boys and girls dorms, a church, a schoolhouse, a store, a cafeteria, and staff housing. The children also enjoy basketball and soccer fields, a playground, and an indoor gym/game area.
Previously called House of New Vision, FV was founded in 1996 by Pastors David and Paula Mahawon. They began rescuing children in 1995, when they were impressed by God to rescue 36 boys. In a dangerous escape that only God could do, the Mahawons established a safe home in Thailand to care for, raise, and educate these young men in the hope and truth of Christ.
Since its foundation, FV has raised over 120 girls and boys. These children were rescued from dangerous or hopeless situations and given hope in a family-like community. They are immersed in a Christian environment in which they are taught and demonstrated the love of Jesus Christ. They are educated, fed, clothed, and mentored by staff of TCI. It is here and by your support that they are given a fresh start, and the hope of creating a beautiful future that only salvation through Jesus could bring them!
Disciples of Mercy or DOM, is a non-government, Faith based organization just outside of Kisumu, Kenya. Our outreaches include a church, vocational training centre, a nursery, primary day and special needs school, and a clinic, among others. Australian Missionary Jennie Roberts head up the board of directors for Disciples of Mercy Kenya. Disciples of Mercy has been in operation in Kenya since 1987 with its main emphasis to the destitute people in the rural areas of Kenya.
Watch this inspiring video to what is happening at this Kenyan Orphanage.
Disciples of Mercy
Our Mission To Give Back
We are very passionate about giving back. Years ago God put it on my heart to take care of the orphans and through my creations I will give 10% of all pens sold to the charities listed below.
James 1:27
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
2010 - present
2010 - present